15euros per day in Europe

Why is the title centered on money?
To know, let me illustrate it here:
Cold sandwiches: 2-3euros
Per night/person in youth hostel: 14-18euros
Train ticket (Florence to Rome) : 14.31 euros
Metro tickets, one way: 1-1.5euros
So there I was, on a trip with two other comrades, flinging ourselves with complete vulnerability into Europe. For the first time too, I made no detail research on the destinations, and especially how much everything cost. All I had was my backpack stuffed with maggi, nestum and crackers, my sleeping bag, a tent, 500euros and 30 days to ration all these.
Some may call it suicidal, some might applaud for our bravery. At a point when I was lieing on the streets of Venice, I scolded myself an idiot. :) Now sitting comfortably under a roof, I pat myself on the back, feeling glad I did it. I learnt that the more risks you take, the more likely you are to witness things and hence, calling everything a serendipity. It's a testament to the possibilities that arise when you remove yourself from the safety of familiarity and comforts; the benefits of vulnerability.
I welcome you to judge it for yourselves...;)
Note: Europe here indicates Paris, Italy and Barcelona.
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