A rhapsody~* of serendipity: March 2005

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Life as a bumpy car ride

~While heading to L'oreal Brandstorm National Final Briefings~

I type this as I sat at the backseat of a proton Iswara speeding to KL at 130km/hr. After juggling around and wondering how should I calculate the column wall thickness of a distillation column, I festered to get into blogging mode since the occasional jerks is not doing any good to my poor chemical-engineering challenged mind.

Not that my life is without stories. The problem lies in myself getting into the mood of sitting in front of the laptop o type out those spurs of my life. The truth is I always knew what I wanted to write. I could be driving around in my Kancil deep in thoughts(and hot boiling water) about a bloody Vice Dean of Academics who perhaps grew up not learning the words "communication" and "politeness", totally eager to put those thoughts down in words. Like just that day when the beautician was giving my face it’s dued treatment by poking and jabbing my poor blackheads and pimples, I was just contemplating on an article dedicated to those out there who like me, invites “self-torture” remedies by staying awake 48 hours, scaring your wits out on a roller-coaster and driving around every nook and cranny in Taman Universiti to find someone who can expertly poke and jab at your face.

My room is a war zone and land-fill all in one. Assignments, projects, case studies, exams loom behind my mind, telling me I should not have time to chat on MSN, no matter how much I am addicted to it. My mind constantly flies to the near future and far future, thoughts about the April cycling trip and...(gosh, beautiful heart breaking songs like Heaven Knows should not be playing on the car stereos when you are supposed to be blogging about the mess in your life!) So where was I? Yes, the cycling trip is such a question mark now that thank god the four of us are the impulsive, determined, carefree, flexible, spur of the moment type of creatures. Near future thoughts also consist of things like how I should maximize my last free air ticket as a student, how I can get myself into top companies or consulting firms in the holiday, how I can get myself a great daytime serious job next semester to save me from the monotony of academic life, how I can make the big jump into an global career upon graduation…

Fine, let’s see what L’oreal brings tomorrow…

*hugs* received!
+~*'*' give ME a *HUG* '*'*~+

Get hugs of your own