Life on two wheels

It’s going to be a full year since the crazy ride across the East Coast and only now do I find the mood or motivation to start penning down the journey in black and white. When I try to recall back about the trip, it’s more like bits of a jigsaw puzzle and I would dwell furtively on the missing pieces. That day, I was just trying to recall what’s the name of the beach in Pahang we so magically owned…Penawar?
I digged out the two journals I kept quite faithfully throughout the 13 days. The hitz fm one evidently looks like rotten cabbage, having survived through heavy rain. The bigger one was purchased at a small kedai runcit for RM2, bigger cause I figured I needed a bigger canvas to paint my words (and some doodling along the way).
Well, here goes:
Current progress: Day 1