A rhapsody~* of serendipity: April 2006

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Overdued NY post

Figured it's time to put something up, though I'm sure most have already drifted away from expecting new here. Was scrambling through my laptop(did not really touch it for 2 months) and discovered something I wrote for the new year, but did not think was anything interesting to post up. Weird enough, reading back now, it really brought myself walking down memory lane...:)

I do not write as often as I should, so I figured that at least I should do it when the occasion calls for it. What better excuse than to write a blog to usher the New Year in, topped with the juicy fact that I’m beginning a new phase in life?

Year 2005 went by with most moments zooming past, and some moments dragging on. Here are some examples:

So slow that it feels like eternity:

-Docking at Esna on a Nile cruise for a full day, with the sole entertainment on board was watching double chinned personas on TV, playing backgammon and getting wet in a tiny pool.
-Lying on the bed counting the days when I would finally get my butt out of UTM
-Trudging with a heavy backpack around Europe counting the days I will get back to Malaysia to eat dim sum and bak kut teh.
-The time I got stuck in the middle of the straits between Pangkor Island and Teluk Batik(Lumut). It seemed like a relentless and endless effort trying to canoe over to the tiny beach that seemed to grow bigger sometimes and shrink again in another moment. Yet, I couldn’t believe that we were indeed doing that for a continuous 3+ hours.
-Conquering the Kota Tinggi-Mersing hills on a bicycle under the hot sun.

Too short that you wish you could freeze time:

-Forcing my rusty wheels to turn as I try to complete an interview pre-screening test;
-Spitting out words like a machine gun as I tried to squeeze in a 20 minute presentation into a 10 minute one;
-Strolling along the Cherating beach with good company;
-Dancing with all my heart to those oh so familiar (AIESEC)tunes as if it’ll be my last;
….and mostly, times spent with close friends.

Some nominations for year 2005:

Best “cursing” feat: During international finals of Brandstorm, the moment the Emcee said the word “Malaysia”. I spitted the “shit” word non-stop compulsively and never oh so whole-heartedly.

Stunt of the year: Canoeing from Lumut to Pangkor on a high tide (and failing. See

Nervous breakdown of the year: Morning of the Brandstorm National finals, when I puked out my RM45 breakfast.

Best mamak session: The night Own Chai and I shared about our future and dreams and waited for the burger later at 2am

Best shock: Discovering the sunny bears took off my car tire as a birthday present

Worst shock: Waking up in the Venice train station to find my backpack missing

Best lesson learnt: Always hug your backpack to sleep if you choose to sleep in the train station.

Best laugh: Gosh…too many

Best cry: 1) Convocation 2) The night I moved back to KL and went over to say farewell to two of my closest friends 3) Last day of NLDS 2005

Euphoric moment of the year: The night standing at the hostel balcony in Verona, listening to a troupe rehearsing Opera, trying to lock away every single feeling.

Songs of 2005:

Ray of light (Madonna): The beginning phase of Brandstorm

Let’s get it started (Black Eyed Peas): The ending phase of Brandstorm

Don’t stop me now (Queen): Natco China 2005. I totally felt the lyrics; I wanted the moment to go on forever.

Xi shua shua & Hollaback girl & Kung Fu Hustle: NLDS 2005

To where you are (Josh Groban): Him

You’re beautiful (James Blunt): The day Ngiam, Chee Sheng and I went fishing. I was driving my kancil and Chee Sheng asked to turn the radio up, “Good song, good song”. I agreed with him then.

Any song with the word “Habibi”: Egypt

Yellow (Coldplay): The Midsummer Eve in Paris with the Asian teams (sigh, it still brings a sad smile)

Yes, Year 2005 was a good one. A year I could look back and sigh with contentment. A year where I shall dig some of my grandmama stories to tell ;)

*hugs* received!
+~*'*' give ME a *HUG* '*'*~+

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