Overdued NY post
I do not write as often as I should, so I figured that at least I should do it when the occasion calls for it. What better excuse than to write a blog to usher the New Year in, topped with the juicy fact that I’m beginning a new phase in life?
Year 2005 went by with most moments zooming past, and some moments dragging on. Here are some examples:
So slow that it feels like eternity:
-Docking at Esna on a Nile cruise for a full day, with the sole entertainment on board was watching double chinned personas on TV, playing backgammon and getting wet in a tiny pool.
-Lying on the bed counting the days when I would finally get my butt out of UTM
-Trudging with a heavy backpack around Europe counting the days I will get back to Malaysia to eat dim sum and bak kut teh.
-The time I got stuck in the middle of the straits between Pangkor Island and Teluk Batik(Lumut). It seemed like a relentless and endless effort trying to canoe over to the tiny beach that seemed to grow bigger sometimes and shrink again in another moment. Yet, I couldn’t believe that we were indeed doing that for a continuous 3+ hours.
-Conquering the Kota Tinggi-Mersing hills on a bicycle under the hot sun.
Too short that you wish you could freeze time:
-Forcing my rusty wheels to turn as I try to complete an interview pre-screening test;
-Spitting out words like a machine gun as I tried to squeeze in a 20 minute presentation into a 10 minute one;
-Strolling along the Cherating beach with good company;
-Dancing with all my heart to those oh so familiar (AIESEC)tunes as if it’ll be my last;
….and mostly, times spent with close friends.
Some nominations for year 2005:
Best “cursing” feat: During international finals of Brandstorm, the moment the Emcee said the word “Malaysia”. I spitted the “shit” word non-stop compulsively and never oh so whole-heartedly.
Stunt of the year: Canoeing from Lumut to Pangkor on a high tide (and failing. See http://emperorngiam.blogspot.com/2005/11/pangkor-i-shall-return.html)
Nervous breakdown of the year: Morning of the Brandstorm National finals, when I puked out my RM45 breakfast.
Best mamak session: The night Own Chai and I shared about our future and dreams and waited for the burger later at 2am
Best shock: Discovering the sunny bears took off my car tire as a birthday present
Worst shock: Waking up in the Venice train station to find my backpack missing
Best lesson learnt: Always hug your backpack to sleep if you choose to sleep in the train station.
Best laugh: Gosh…too many
Best cry: 1) Convocation 2) The night I moved back to KL and went over to say farewell to two of my closest friends 3) Last day of NLDS 2005
Euphoric moment of the year: The night standing at the hostel balcony in Verona, listening to a troupe rehearsing Opera, trying to lock away every single feeling.
Songs of 2005:
Ray of light (Madonna): The beginning phase of Brandstorm
Let’s get it started (Black Eyed Peas): The ending phase of Brandstorm
Don’t stop me now (Queen): Natco China 2005. I totally felt the lyrics; I wanted the moment to go on forever.
Xi shua shua & Hollaback girl & Kung Fu Hustle: NLDS 2005
To where you are (Josh Groban): Him
You’re beautiful (James Blunt): The day Ngiam, Chee Sheng and I went fishing. I was driving my kancil and Chee Sheng asked to turn the radio up, “Good song, good song”. I agreed with him then.
Any song with the word “Habibi”: Egypt
Yellow (Coldplay): The Midsummer Eve in Paris with the Asian teams (sigh, it still brings a sad smile)
Yes, Year 2005 was a good one. A year I could look back and sigh with contentment. A year where I shall dig some of my grandmama stories to tell ;)